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Adaptive Living
Turn surviving into thriving

Pushing ourselves harder isn’t working.
Feeling exhausted and overwhelmed isn’t working.
If you’re tired of struggle dominating your days, join me in learning tools for making the most of our time and energy.
Hi, my name is Sarah McGlory. I felt like a failure my whole adult life because my home was always a disaster. At a certain point, I realized I needed to stop comparing myself to the cleaning gurus I saw on social media. They had "endless energy" and "perfect homes," and I had chronic pain and mismatched furniture.

I decided to adapt to my time and energy needs rather than attempting to force myself to follow unrealistic expectations.
I created a system called Adaptive Cleaning, enabling me to stay organized and not spend hours cleaning. Now I use the concept of "adapting to my capacity" in every area of my life and I love sharing the tools I'm learning with you!
If you want to learn tools for taking care of your home, no matter how much
time and energy you have, here are a few places to start.
The Adaptive Cleaning system gives you options for each task so you can pick what matches your time and energy.
Check out the blog that gives you
a look around the system.
Or, you can check it out on the shop.
If your home is overwhelming you and you're not sure where to start, I created a 30-day Home Reset, which includes cleaning, decluttering, & organizing. You can check that out on the shop.
I also have a playlist of 30 videos that go along with the Home Reset. The playlist is linked below.
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